Forgive Us Our Debts…

Today's Scripture:  Matthew 6:5-15 Most weeks of my life, I’ve said the same prayer aloud in church.  I’ve recited it literally thousands of times.  Sometimes I say it without thinking; most of the time, I say it without recognizing how revolutionary and challenging it is. I’m talking, of course, about the Lord’s Prayer. My awesome... Continue Reading →

Every Good and Perfect Gift

This week's Scripture:  James 1:13-18 --- My four-year-old and I have a little game we play.  It started one day with a serious question.  En route to day care, Eleanor looked up at the pink sunrise sky and asked, “Mommy, who made the clouds?” (Can’t you imagine this pastor’s heart leaping at the chance to... Continue Reading →

Calling the Play

Galatians 6:1-10 I missed the play, and didn’t even know it. Andrews UMC has been playing church-league softball.  It’s a co-ed league that uses a spongy, oversized, bouncy ball.  It’s so bouncy that sometimes pitchers will dribble it as they wait for the next batter to step to the plate.  This presents some challenges when... Continue Reading →

Gentle Giant

Ashley, our wonderful Duke Divinity School summer intern, gave the sermon yesterday - so this week I'm sharing an article I wrote for the Andrews Journal on 6/26.   --- We once had a dog named Dyson who was big and shy. Dyson was a rescue.  A neighbor told us that we ought to go... Continue Reading →

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